Ban Thor Phan Resort & Retreat Center
corporate identity design for thesis project in visual communication design, faculty of decorative arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 2012
Ban Thor Phan Resort & Retreat Center is the corporate identity design for thesis project in visual communication design, faculty of decorative arts, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Ban Thor Phan is located in Sangklaburi, Kanchanaburi province, Thailand and organizes monthly natural retreat programme include crystal singing bowl music therapy, yoga retreat, chlorophyll bath, mantra healing and dry fasting. Morever BTP has the shop sells rural products such as organic coffee and organic clothes which all of the income was given to help the children on the border of Thai-Myanmar.

logo Ban Thor Phan - "Ban Thor Phan" means the house of waving dream

stationary set

Ban Thor Phan brochure

poster that can be folded to a pamphlet is given to participants in the retreat course, show daily programme
of the retreat course and the order of eating fruits after dry fasting.

cover of the pamphlet which front side is mantra and back side is the poster

mantra pamphlet

CD souvenir set includes Mantra CD, Pamphlet of Mantra and dry fasting poster.

hotel kits

Ban Thor Phan products and packaging.

organic coffee

J flag to promote